Monday 29 June 2009

J.G. Ballard, 1930–2009
David Cunningham
Issue: 156 - July/August 2009

André Gorz, 1923–2007
Finn Bowring
Issue: 148 - March/April 2008

Joseph McCarney, 1941–2007
Chris Arthur
Issue: 146 - November/December 2007

Richard Rorty, 1931–2007
Neil Gascoigne
Issue: 146 - November/December 2007

Jean Baudrillard, 1929–2007
Richard J. Lane
Issue: 144 - July/August 2007

Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, 1940–2007
Christopher Fynsk
Issue: 144 - July/August 2007

Iris Marion Young, 1949–2006
Meena Dhanda
Issue: 140 - November/December 2006

Paul Ricoeur, 1913–2005
Roland Boer
Issue: 133 - September/October 2005

Susan Sontag, 1933–2004
Liam Kennedy
Issue: 131 - May/June 2005

Wolfe Mays, 1912–2005
Joanna Hodge
Issue: 131 - May/June 2005

OBITUARY SYMPOSIUM : Jacques Derrida : ‘Affirm the Survival’
Judith Butler
Issue: 129 - January/February 2005

OBITUARY SYMPOSIUM : Jacques Derrida : A Death Foretold, a Life Retold: Derrida’s Press
David Macey
Issue: 129 - January/February 2005

OBITUARY SYMPOSIUM : Jacques Derrida : A Different World
David Wood
Issue: 129 - January/February 2005

OBITUARY SYMPOSIUM : Jacques Derrida : An Ethos of Reading
Simon Critchley
Issue: 129 - January/February 2005

OBITUARY SYMPOSIUM : Jacques Derrida : Jacques Derrida, 1930–2004
David Cunningham
Issue: 129 - January/February 2005

OBITUARY SYMPOSIUM : Jacques Derrida : Remembering Derrida
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
Issue: 129 - January/February 2005

Richard Wollheim, 1923–2003
Art & Language
Issue: 124 - March/April 2004

Edward Said
Benita Parry
Issue: 123 - January/February 2004

Maurice Blanchot, 1907-2003
Ann Smock
Issue: 120 - July/August 2003

Monique Wittig, 1935-2003
Joanne Winning
Issue: 120 - July/August 2003

Ian Craib, 1945-2002
Ted Benton
Issue: 119 - May/June 2003

Norman O. Brown, 1913-2002
Eli Zaretsky
Issue: 118 - March/April 2003

Norman O. Brown, 1913-2002
Kristin Ross
Issue: 118 - March/April 2003

Dominique Janicaud, 1937 - 2002
Simon Critchley
Issue: 117 - January/February 2003

Hans-Georg Gadamer, 1900-2002
Andrew Bowie
Issue: 114 - July/August 2002

Pierre Bourdieu, 1930 - 2002
David Macey Alex Callinicos Frederic Vandenberghe
Issue: 113 - May/June 2002

John Fauvel, 1947-2001
Noel Parker
Issue: 111 - January/February 2002

W.V.O. Quine, 1908-2000
Roger Harris
Issue: 107 - May/June 2001

Compendium Bookshop, 1968-2000
Philip Derbyshire
Issue: 105 - January/February 2001

Roy Edgley, 1925-1999
Joseph McCarney
Issue: 97 - September/October 1999

Niklas Luhmann, 1927-1998
Frederic Vandenberghe
Issue: 94 - March/April 1999

Jean-Francois Lyotard, 1924-1998
David Macey
Issue: 91 - September/October 1998

Axel Honneth, Edgar Morin and Joel Whitebook
Issue: 90 - July/August 1998

Wal Suchting, 1931-1997
John Rosenthal
Issue: 85 - September/October 1997

Raphael Samuel, 1934-1996
Carolyn Steedman
Issue: 82 - March/April 1997

THOMAS KUHN, 1922-1996
Ted Benton, Steve Fuller, Helen E. Longino
Issue: 82 - March/April 1997

Emmanuel Levinas (1906-1995)
Simon Critchley
Issue: 78 - July/August 1996

Gillian Rose, 1947-1995
Howard Caygill
Issue: 77 - May/June 1996

Ernest Gellner, 1925-1995
Michael Rustin
Issue: 76 - March/April 1996

Paul Patton, Rosi Braidotti, David Macey
Issue: 76 - March/April 1996

Georges Canguilhem, 1904-1995
David Macey
Issue: 75 - January/February 1996

Guy Debord, 1931-1994
David Macey
Issue: 71 - May/June 1995

Karl Popper, 1902-1994
Joseph Agassi, Jerry Ravetz, Bernard Burgoyne, Robin Blackburn
Issue: 70 - March/April 1995

Ralph Milband, 1924 - 1994
Ellen Meiksins Wood
Issue: 68 - Autumn 1994

Roy Edgley
Issue: 67 - Summer 1994

E. P. Thompson, 1924-1993
Kate Soper
Issue: 66 - Spring 1994

Madan Sarup, 1930 - 1993
Peter Osborne
Issue: 66 - Spring 1994

George Rudé, 1910-1993
Keith McClelland
Issue: 64 - Summer 1993

Henri Lefebvre, 1901-1991
Michael Kelly
Issue: 60 - Spring 1992

Samuel Beckett (1906-1989)
Leslie Hill
Issue: 55 - Summer 1990

A.J. Ayer (1910-1989)
Jonathan Rée
Issue: 53 - Autumn 1989

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