To begin with the question of value is posited. George Dickie, and nobody else would say such things, and serve them hot as de facto answers. Answers yes, but no. What is important here is that Tiktoc neither confers or defers value. Either yes or no at all times are problematic answers, soothed and then cooled; the sorbet melts. Travel appears important. Travel to a place which offers an answer in the search of value. A further question, is the superstructure itself an answer? Location itself, defined as valuable, not via the luxury of a first-experience but mediated, first. Are we told of value without value? Is the very notion of the term 'international' synonymous with quality? Basel, Venice, Los Angeles, from this borrowed table and decrepid laptop, these places represent travel in the sense that they are not outside my front door...
How are we to condition ourselves then against a world that presents the global front door, when on the one hand I am suprisingly overjoyed at the purchase of a return easyjet flight to Venice to coincide with the Bienale. As if by travel and by merely 'being' at the centre of things not remotely but physically, I regain the feeling of stepping out of my front door. On the otherhand, I understand this ticket, this flight, this event to come, not as a promised experience but as a transaction with the superstracture. Of course I would go to Venice, but also of course I would open my front door...